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上传人:hh思密达 2022/4/15 文件大小:12 KB




The different culture language communication
between Chinese and English
For human beings, lann ignore the distinction of appellation which is caused by the different sex. But, Chinese traditional cultures deeply cause the sexual preference. Chinese people think highly of boys and think little of the perspective of the equality of males and females, which directly lead to the tremendous difference and partly effect the cross-cultural communication.
Thirdly, as far as the language of greeting or talking with people is concerned, the Chinese greet or talk with people depends on others’situation or motivation. For example, “where do you want to go?”or “how old are you?” But in English, they think these belong to personal affairs. It is impolite, even rude, to ask their family, incomes, or ages, which is quite common in China. In English part, the most common thing is that they talk about is the weather or inquire your recent situation. For instance,“it’s a lovely day, isn’t it?” , “how are you?”Meanwhile, the
address is the linguistic expression of the relationships between communication participants. For English, they always use “Mr.”“Miss”and “Mrs.”to show their respects for strangers, while Chinese use permanent name that depend on strangers’ ages. According this, we can make a conclusion that the greeting language in English is more appr


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