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文档介绍:are ___ A____ approaches toEnglish teaching. But not all ofthem are equally efficient for our Chinese students. 不一样的,多种多样的 接头,关节,联合的 起源,引起,创办 双倍的 ’mlooking for the ___ A____ section in today ’spaper. 圆柱,纵队,专栏文章 bination 结合,结合体 b 梳子,梳理,裁员 分类的,保密的 planning and hard work will ___ B____ our final ess. 围住,把¨封入 保证,保护,保证给,保险 不(装满,收费,控告,掌管) 否定,拒绝 the airplane takes off ,the passengers are told to___ D____ their seat belts. 泉水,喷泉 固定,修理,打算,治愈,安顿,*** 紧的,密封的,棘手的,亲昵的 扣紧,抓住,集中,纠缠 ___ D____ isnearly dead ,soIcan not start the car again. 豆子,少量,脑袋,硬币 横梁,光束,射线,笑脸 烘焙 殴打,炮兵连,电池,打击乐 isnoother way tosave a___ B____ person inatall building onfire ,fire fighters may spread anet into which the person can jump. 伏特 裹,缠绕,包裹物 陷阱,存水弯 荒废了的,空的 C____ his ess tothe good education hehas received. 分配,分布 捐献,投稿,有助于 把¨归因于,标志 拥有,承认 uphis study incollege in___ D____. 包袱,捆,匆匆打发,乱塞 屠夫,屠杀,残忍的 灰,废墟,桉树 绝望,令人失望的事 donot ___ C____ when somebody else is talking. 打算 翻译,把¨解释为 打断,中断 投资,购买,赋予,把¨用在 10. There are two governments inthis country. But neither ofthem isregarded asthe ___ B____ one bythe other. 陪审员名单,护墙板,画报 法定的,法律上的 紫色,词藻华美的 共和国,团体 11. Along the northern coast there are many deep ___ A____. 海港,藏匿,停泊处 种种,若干,不同的 发疯的,心情反常的 条,栏,酒吧间,律师业 12. A____ B____ thing happened tomelast night. 缘故,为了 独特的,奇怪的 行李,多余物,精神包袱,调皮女子 平均,一般水平 13. What they produced has noany ___ D____ value. But itisvery useful totheir research. 滤器,过滤 折叠,合拢,羊群,信徒 不完全的,偏袒的,偏爱的 mercial 商业的,可获利的 14. Mary has a___ A____ view ofour future