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文档介绍:第一篇 Academic operations research programs structured ona mand language This article is not included in anization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under anization's agreement with Elsevier. Eliezer Naddor Department of Mathematical Sciences, G. W. C. Whiting School of Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA Available online 18 August 2004. Abstract Twelve deterministic and probabilistic Operations Research puter programs, useful in academic and research environments, are described. All accept identical conversational instructions ina unified mand language. Each program has help and examples messages, and built-in sets of data useful for illustration. It mands for retrieving, displaying, changing, and saving the data, and puting and optimization. Three programs also accept mands. The availability of the source code and detailed documentation allows users to modify the programs, delete or add algorithms, change dimensions, and to translate the programs into other languages. 第二篇 Linking science and management in the adoption of work technology in the Great Barrier Reef coast, Australia Dé bora M. de Freitasa, ,, Stuart Kininmonthb and Simon Woodleyc aARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies and School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD 4811, Australia bAustralian Insti


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