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液压机是一种以液体为工作介质,根据帕斯卡原理制成的用于传递能量 以实现各种工艺的机器。液压机是一种锻压机械,它能完成调直、冷冲压、 冷挤压等多种锻压工艺。液压机的结构形式很多,但通常由横h as pump , motor, filters, control valves. This design adopted the manifold block, and except that the connection of pump and hydraulic cylinder still uses the pipes and pipe joints, the connection of other components all through the channel of the manifold block. Its structure is more compact, volume is relatively smaller, its weight is lighter without pipe connection. What's more, it can eliminate leakage of tubing, connectors, vibration and noise, also, the installation, commissioning and maintenance of hydraulic systrem are convenient, low pressure drop, and it looks more paper has also designed the overall layout of the hydraulic is more this paper have three-dimensional graph of integrated block, hydraulic pressure station, which make it more beautiful and accessible to reader. The hydraulic system can meet the press order cycle action requires and realize the plastic material forging press, stamping cold extrusion, straightening, bending forming process and other contour machining technic through check calculation of hydraulic system pressure loss and the temperature of the hydraulic system.
KEYWORDS:hydraulic press, hydraulic system, system diagram, manifold block, hydraulic station
前言 错误!未定义书签。
第1章 液压系统设计要求和工况分析 3
§ 3
§ 4
§ 4
§122液压机顶出缸的工况分析 6
第2章 确定液压系统主要参数 7
§ 7
§ 7
§ 8
§ 9
§ 10
§221主缸流量的计算 10
§221顶出缸流量的计算 10
第3章 液压机液压系统原理图设计 11
§ 11
§ 11
§ 11
§ 12
§ 13
§ 14
§ 错误!未定义书签。
§ 错误!未定义书签。
第4章液压元件的选择 错误!未定义书签。
§ 16
§ 错误!未定义书签。
§ 16
§ 16
§ 17
§ 17
§ 管道尺寸的确定 18
§ 油箱容积的确定 19
§ 20
第5章 液压集成油路


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