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上传人:yixingmaob 2017/2/20 文件大小:822 KB




文档介绍:青岛大学毕业论文( 设计) 科技文献翻译院系:自动化工程学院控制工程系专业:自动化班级: 2009 级 4班姓名:史发涛指导教师:于金鹏 20 13年 4月 10日 Providing Integrated Condition Monitoring Solutions for World Class Performance Rockwell Automation isa premier provider of Integrated Condition Monitoring Solutions (ICMS) to all major industry segments. Offering the latest state-of-the art technology in vibration analysis, oil analysis, on-line surveillance and protection systems,remote monitoring, as well as outstanding training and customer support services. Through strategic alliances with puterized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) providers Rockwell Automation can now provide integrated systems that provide critical machinery information throughout the enterprise. Portable Systems Enpac The Enpac ? isa Windows CE based 2-channel high performance data collector and signal analyzer. The Enpac ? collects field data, including vibration information and process variables. Enpac ? allows easy condition monitoring of equipment found in many process industries such as power generation, petrochemical, pulp and paper, and primary Enpac ? features a built in optical (laser) tachometer, a choice of either a 1/8 or 1/4 VGA resolution screen, ability to store data on standard Type I or Type II PCMCIA cards and on-line contextsensitive HELP, built in to all applications. Online Systems Rockwell Automation offers plete range of online hardware and software systems designed to meet your machinery protection and condition monitoring needs. When you need to protect your critical machinery assets the 6600 Series machinery protection system provides continuous monitoring. The Enwatch ? Online Surveillance System isa cost-effective solution for monitoring the condition of the important machines in your 6600 Series and Enwatch ? systems can be integrated seamlessly with Emonitor Odyssey ? or Enshare ? machinery information software. This integrated solution will provide you with plete picture of the condition of your plant. E


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