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上传人:taotao0b 2017/2/22 文件大小:285 KB




文档介绍:The S tructure Optimization of the Siphonic B edpan ’sF low C hannel B ased on the Numerical S imulation T echnology Ge Zhenghao, Wang Jinshui,Su Penggang , Liang Jiangbo Sh a anxi University of Science & Technology, Xian , Shaanxi, 710021, China gezh@ Abstract — According to siphonic bedpan ’s work principle , siphonic bedpan with v ariational section flow channel is put forwards into a pplication in th is pape tructure design optimization of siphonic bedpan ’sf low channel is disc usse d. Based on making use of Pro/E to conduct the parametrization modeling of the siphonic bedpan (the constant section bedpan and the v ariational section bedpan) , and then adopt ADINA to simulate the flow field int he siphonic bedpan with not taking the filth into consideration. T he calculation result s of the numer i cal simulation d emonstrate that var iational section bedpan is better than the constant section bedpan in flushing and saving water .T he result s indicates the adoption of ADINA software to carry out sanitary implement ’s numerical simulation can improve the accuracy of the bedpan design and manufacturing consumedly , provides a theories analysis foundation for the engineering, design and application of bedpan . Keywords- S iphonic B edpan; F low C hannel S tructure; N umerical S imulation NTRODUCTION The software ADINA is the product of the pany of ADINA, it isa large