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文档介绍:Primary Facets of Chinese and foreign Culture
Chinese Cross-cultural orientation (Analysis)
Autge for reciprocal care and protection. The American concept of "individualism" is often frowned upon because it appears to the Chinese as "selfishness" - an unnatural attempt to isolate the self from the group and to place personal interests over those of the group. In industries, the importance of groups is reflected in the form of family-ism's claim for solidarity. The group orientation is expressed by "danwei" (literally, work unit), where the focus is not only on work-related activities but also on exercises and control in non-work areas. As a result, the social needs of the people in a workplace tend to be ranked higher than autonomy and self-actualization needs. In business management, a group relationship is manifested in interpersonal connections (guanxi), which overpower the formal organizational structure in many cases. Business contracts are often specified in legal terms but implemented relying on trust and relationships between the parties
Chinese Ideal of Life
Traditionally, the basis on which Chinese visualize the meaning and purpose of life is humanism. To the Chinese mind, the true end of life lies in the enjoyment of a simple life, especially family life, and in harmonious social relationships . The ideal life is permeated


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