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文档介绍:Primary Facets of Chinese and foreign Culture
Chinese Cross-cultural orientation (Analysis)
Author: Zhou Yi
Name: The Chinese cultural system: implications for cross-cultural management.
Intercultural Business Communication
Full Text:
Chinese Family-ism
Chinese families, as a basic unit of the society, act to provide not only shelter and food but also an environment within which the people socialize and play the roles defined by Confucius. A form of social immortality, families have something of the character of a religion which, at times, is enhanced by the ritual of ancestor worship; the consciousness of it has penetrated deep into the Chinese soul. A strong and lingering belief is that when one dies, his or her self lives on in the greatest stream of the family life. In modern times, the Chinese traditional family concept is transformed info "family-ism" that pervades almost all social organizations. Employees are provided with housing, free medical care, and education for their children by the organization they work for. Their activities and personal lives are closely connected to the organizations whose management, in many ways, functions as the parents of extended families, responsible both for business and solving employees' personal problems. Hiring, selecting, compensating and other management decisions may all involv


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