文档介绍:第2页 /总页数 6 页
【#雅思# 导语】为了方便广大考生能够系统地掌握考试的重要知识点,无忧考网整理为考生整理了“雅思科技类写作素材积累”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注无忧考网!
beings may somehow be able to solve those longstanding problems that seem to have no solution for now.)
第4页 /总页数 6 页
(Our wonder and imagination about the outside world have never stopped since we were early hominids. Actually, it is the very human instinctcuriositythat impels people to constantly explore and expand, pushing new frontiers from lands to seas, venturing out from Earth to the universe. The strong need to take risks and expand into new territory is rooted in our genetic make up and essential to our species’ success. Therefore, exploring into the solar system and other worlds of the space is an imperative rather than a luxury, as we’ve already occupied the surface of our planet.)
关于“What is science?(什么是科学?)”这一问题,我们中国人的认识也许不太准确。Science一词源自于拉丁文scientia,即为“knowledge about the world(关于世界的知识)”之含义;科学的诞生是希腊文化的结晶,其目的在于理解世界的本质、探寻永恒不变的真理。它本身是不带有任何实用主义色彩的。古希腊的先民们热衷于探讨地球是方的还是圆的、地心说和日心说哪个正确……这些问题无一有关于实用主义,而仅出于人天性中对“我们是谁?”、“我们来自何方?”、“我们在宇宙中处于怎样的位置?”等未知问题的困惑。为了弄清楚这些问题,诸如苏格拉底、亚里士多德等哲学家们发展了一套逻辑的和实验的方法,由此诞生了西方的自然科学。而我们东方人对于这种“无用的知识”很不理解,并发明了“杞人忧天”一词去讥笑这种行为;试想一下,“天究竟