随着经济的发展,人们美容意识的提高,绝大多数都市女性都在频繁的出入美容院。尽管如此,还是有很大一部分人群每天顶着一对“熊猫眼”穿梭于城市的大街小巷,其实很多顾客都希望通过美容院 base thing of the spirit’s action. So, it can make the black-circles of eyes much deeper.
For this condition, we just use TCM methods:
Determination of treatment based on differentiation of syndromes.
intensify eye’s protection
the life must be in plan, keeping enough time to sleep, and keep your mood pleasant
Typical example: Miss yang, 26 years old, manager of sale-market
There are some black-circles around her eyes. And it had been kept three years. She often felt that heat sensation in the palms, soles and chest, being afraid of summer hot, especially, present years, heavy business lead her to sleep less. So, her “pandas’ eyes” must be very heavy.
Diagnostic: kidney deficiency of yin. Deficiency of kidney-yin. Hyperactivity of kidney-five. Lead to disharmony between ying and wei systems. Vital substance can’t run up to give eyes nutrient.
Treating methods: internal ant external treatment. Simultaneous treatment of symptoms and root cause.
Taking orally: Hai tang mei No. 7< mu ming capsule> this kind of production, distilled quintessence of plant from semen sesame nigrum and mulberry. It can make efficiency of regulating function of liver and kidney, replenishing yin and regulating the mental activities and anchoring the mood. It ‘s the b