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Questions 2330(真题集TEST 1PART 3)
●novation Awards set out to project is all about rewarding good practice and performance. So, rather than simply recognizing excellence in the design of specific products, or analysing their financial impact on profits, the awards set out to take an objective look at exactly how companies mange the development process itself.
Over three hundred and fifty organizations entered the competition and were initially reduced to about forty. Then, after further careful checking, a short list of just fourteen of them was arrived at. These finalists, all manufacturers, were then visited by the competition judges, a panel of four chief executives from leading companies. The panel toured the finalists’ facilities, received presentations on the companies and their projects, and interviewed the key development team members. The products varied enormously in their scale, function and degree of technology – from bread for a supermarket chain to a printer inside an automatic dispense. Initially the organisers were concerned that this range could create difficulties in the assessment process. But this fear proved baseless, as most elements in the innovation process are shared by all manufacturers.
第3页 /总页数 10 页
Interestingly, the finalists broke down into two di


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