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上传人:书犹药也 2022/5/5 文件大小:18 KB




contract of attorney for lawsuit
甲方: party a:
电话: telephone: enforcement of judgments resulting from cases under this agreement. net proceeds is defined as follows:total amount collected amount in case, less case filing fee of court’s first and second instances or arbitration.
where the collected net proceeds are less than the paid amounts, the parties shall apportion the net proceeds as follows: each party shall be paid the pro rata share of the collected amounts vs. the collected amounts. thus, if the claimed amount is $100 rmb, and the collected amount was $10 rmb, this represents 10% of the claimed amount. thus party b shall receive 40% of the collected amount, less 10% of the collected amount.
固定费用旳支付方式: payment of fixed fee:
:payment of royalty:
royalty fee shall be paid within 7 business days of receipt of funds by party a’s.
乙方收款帐户 bank account of party b
收款单位:name of account:
开户银行:bank of account:
帐号:account no.
三、甲方权利和义务 rights and obligations of party a
party a, may, at its discretion, terminate this agreement, or any portion thereof for reasons of impracticality, company wind down, or irreconcilable differences with party b, upon 5 business days written notice to party b; but don’t require party b to hand back the payment paid to party b .
while party a is executing his right of termination, if a special commitment is in enforcement stage and there are plenty evidences to indicate that the judgment or
the arbitration award of the case will be successfully executed, party a can not terminate this special commitment without party b’s written consent.
party a shall use all reasonable effo


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