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上传人:文库旗舰店 2022/5/6 文件大小:22 KB




文档介绍:Do nothing day
Jeremy: Beautiful, kind and gentle,
And loving and softness and sweetness,
and candy and gum,
PeppeDo nothing day
Jeremy: Beautiful, kind and gentle,
And loving and softness and sweetness,
and candy and gum,
Peppermint and pink flowers,
And bunnies and happy songs we can all hum!
Draw a smiley face on the Sun,
It's fun.
Jeremy and the Incidentals: Slow down and look around you,
Throw your to-do list away!
The clouds look like sheep and vice versa,
Let's have a do nothing day,
The Incidentals: Have a do nothing day
Jeremy: Sunshine, cuddles,
and puppies, wet noses and safety and laughter,
and skip to and fro,
holdin' hands sharing snow cones,
and rainbows and no place where we have to go!
So we're just gonna go with the flow,
Oh you know,
Jeremy and the Incidentals: Slow down and look around you,
Candace: All around
Jeremy and the Incidentals: Throw your to-do list away!
The clouds look like sheep and vice versa,
Jeremy: On a do nothing day,


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