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篇一:The Sleepy Beauty睡美人英文剧本
The Sleepy Beauty
Devil Quears. The prince love princess, defeat the devil and give her true love kiss.
Aside: After heard the bad news, the king gives an order to his people: destroy all the jennies. All

the people listen to his words. As a result, every jenny disappears. After 16 years, our princess grows up into a young lady.
Queen: Princess, princess? Where are you?
Princess: I’m coming. Mom? ... What’s the matter? Mom?
Queen: Tonight is your 16-birthday party. Go and dress up yourself.
Princess: Yes, mom.
Aside: Princess goes back to her room. But there is a jenny which should be disappeared. Princess: What’s this? (新奇)... Oh my finger is hurt! (倒在椅子上)
Queen: Oh, my princess is died.
Fairy1: No, Queen. She just falls asleep.
Fairy2: The present I gave to her 16 years ago.
Fairy12: Let’s wait for the prince who can wake up our princess.
Aside: After a long time, a prince comes to this kingdom finally.

Prince: What a strange castle!
Fairy1: We’ve always been waiting for you.
Prince: Who’s that? (拔剑)
Fairy2: We are fairies. We are waiting for you. That brave young prince.
Prince: What are talking about?
Fairy1: There is a beautiful princess is sleeping in this castle.
Fairy2: Because of the curse makes she can’t wake.
Prince: That’s too bad. What can I do for her? Can I save her?
Fairy1: Do you really want to save princess..


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