摘要:目的 分析剖宮产产后出血防治中联用葆宫止血颗粒与卡前列素氨丁三醇注射液的临床价值。方法 回顾性分析2017年8月~2018年8月在我院行剖宫产的61例产er than that in group B,the difference was statistically significant (P<). The number of days of contraction in group A was shorter than that in group B [(±)d vs (±)d], the difference was statistically significant (P<);The descending rate of uterine fundus in group A was higher than that in group B, and the number of days of lochia was shorter than that in group B, the difference was statistically significant (P<). Conclusion Prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage in cesarean section the combination of Baogong Zhixue Granules and Carprostol tromethamine injection can improve maternal coagulation function, reduce postpartum hemorrhage 24 hours, reduce postpartum hemorrhage rate, accelerate uterine bottom rate, and shorten uterine contraction Time and lochia maintain time, and the application effect is better. Key words:BaogongZhixue granules;Carboprost tromethamine injection;Postpartum hemorrhage
剖宫产是妊娠并发症以及难产等产妇的首选分娩方式,也是挽救母婴生命的重要术式。但妊娠并发症以及难产均为产后出血的重要危险因素[1]。产后出血是产妇在胎儿娩出后2 h内出血量>400 ml或24 h内>500 ml,具有诱发出血性休克的风险,甚至导致产妇死亡[2]。当前临床上通常将缩宫素作为治疗产后出血的一线药物,其优点为起效快、效果好,但存在一定的局限性,如半衰期短,需要持续注射等。因此临床上逐渐加强了对联合用药的研究力度,西药代表药物卡前列素氨丁三醇注射液与中成药代表药物葆宫止血颗粒广受关注。为验证其疗效,本研究将分析剖宫产产后出血防治中葆宫止血颗粒与卡前列素氨丁三醇注射液联用的临床价值,现报道如下。