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上传人:朱老师 2022/5/8 文件大小:81 KB





Banks, 45 financial poverty alleviation plans and implementation branch, Department: as a follow-up treasing wealth and improving development in the poor areas of the environment, stimulate economic vitality, adhere to the priority support for poverty alleviation projects, poverty alleviation fund priorities, poverty reduction priority priority implementation of docking, poverty alleviation measures, comprehensive planning, accurate punches, explore a financial poverty alleviation and sustainable development complement each other, with the features of Anhui farmers Jin financial road to poverty alleviation.   In 2022 built document state card poor rating award letter of based Shang, 2022 first half of on meet loan basic conditions of poor award letter built document rate up 100%, 2022 years plans single special poverty credit 100 million Yuan; to 2022 end of, plans cumulative put poverty credit over 400 million Yuan, which on built document state card of poverty village, and poor cumulative put 200 million Yuan, and achieved County poverty area based financial service full cover. Third, poverty alleviation and operation principal (a) poor range.   County filing state card a poor village, the poor. (B) the subject.   Branch of this county seat of the poverty alleviation and development tasks. Four, priorities and planning (a) the implementation of poverty alle


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