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文档介绍:2015 年中考英语单项选择题汇编( 名词) New York Times isa popular daily _____. ( 2015 德州) A. dictionary B. magazine C. newspaper D. guidebook are lots of _____ that students have to follow in school. ( 2015 江西) A. exercises B. problems C. skills D. rules 1998, Liu Xiang ’s _____ in hurdling was noticed by Sun Jiangping. ( 2015 天津) A. ability B. trade C. electricity D. memory 6.- How can I get some _____ about the 2016 Olympic Games? - Why not search the ? ( 2015 安徽) A. information B. experience C. practice D. ess Chinese saying “A tree can ’t make a forest ” tell us that _____ is very important ina football match. ( 2015 泰安) A .ability B. decision C. teamwork D. experience are planning to go on vacation. ( 2015 克拉玛依) A. Black ’s Black ’s C. The Black ’s D. The Blacks 4.- Would you like some _____ for dinner? - OK. ( 2015 娄底) A tomatos B. tomato C. tomatoes 8.- It is said that a college student had a _____ to Tibet with 500 yuan for a month. - How surprising! Once you have an idea to go somewhere, do it!( 2015 三亚) A. match B. travel C. change of them talked. They finished their meal in _____. ( 2015 苏州) A. silence B. order C. place D. public has a _____, and she is going to see her dentist today. ( 2015 温州) A. cold B. fever C. cough D. toothache has a collection of _____. He can not only enjoy them but also use them to mail letters. ( 2015 武威) A. stamps B. novels C. instruments D. magazines mothers can ’t go to the parents ’ meeting because they are too busy. ( 2015 武威) A. Jack ’s and Paul B. Jack ’s and Paul ’s C. Jack and Paul ’s D. Jack and Paul 1.- Mum, I have a bad headache. I feel terrible. - Oh, dear! You must get a cold. You ’d better see _____ after breakfast. ( 2015 襄阳) violinist B. doctor policeman D .an engineer really likes driving. I think being a _____ is just right for him. ( 2015 重庆 A/C 卷) A. doctor B. teacher C farmer D .driver have a _____ holiday every National Day. ( 2015 武威


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