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文档介绍:本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目 Explo ration of Social Etiquette Differences between China and America: A Case Study of Smile Effect 学院四川大学锦城学院专业英语语言文学学生姓名学号年级 2012 级指导教师教务部制表二Ο一五年十二月二十五日 1 探究中美社交礼仪差异——从微笑效应入手分析(英语语言文学专业) 学生指导教师孔子①曰:“礼者,敬人也。”人生在世,与人交际可谓必不可少。随着现代社会的飞速发展,世界各国人文经济、民俗文化的交流日益紧密,而作为礼仪文化的一个分支——社交礼仪的作用则显得举足轻重。无论是日常与人沟通交流,工作中维护与上级、客户、同事之间的关系,还是各国在国际上处理外交事务,都应该具备很好的待人接物的能力,而这就需要了解并且掌握一定的社交礼仪知识,来帮助我们更好地与人接触。我国是一个文明古国,素有“礼仪之邦”的美称,而身为炎黄子孙的我们,则需要把文明礼貌传统发扬光大。礼仪是为人处世的基本态度,是对自己更是对他人以及社会的尊重。拥有良好的社交礼仪, 可以让自己在与人接触交往中具有一定的自信,也会得到他人的尊重。本文作者旨在探究中美社交礼仪中所存在的差异,以作者自身的人生体验与感悟,从微笑效应引入,分析各自社交礼仪的发展、特点及一些禁忌,较深刻地反映出了中美社交礼仪在人与人交往中的价值。关键词:礼仪文化;社交礼仪;礼仪之邦;人生体验;微笑效应四川大学锦城学院本科毕业论文从微笑效应探究中美社交礼仪差异 2 A bstract Confucius ① said, “ Etiquette means to respect others. ”It is necessary for us to contact with others inour life. W ith the rapid development of modern society, munication of humanistic economy and folk culture has e increasingly close around the world. H ence, the social etiquette, which is the branch of etiquette culture, is playing a vital role. W hether it is munication with others, maintaining the relations with leaders, clients, and colleagues, or handling internationally foreign affairs among nations, we should keep a good ability of general manner, which needs us to understand and master certain social etiquette knowledge to help us to contact with people better. C hina has an ancient civilization , known asa land of courtesy. M oreover, as Chinese descendants, we ought to carry forward the traditional civility. As a basic attitude of human interaction, etiquette is the respect for oneself, others and even the society. It can make usbe confident contacting with others and get others ’ respect to keep a good etiquette. F rom her own life experience and feelings, the author aims to explore the differences of social etiquette between China and America from smile effect by analy zing their development, features and taboos in this paper. In doing so, we can get the value of human interaction of so