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patran分析实例 螺栓分析.pdf

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patran分析实例 螺栓分析.pdf


文档介绍:: .
SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTA. (2005) where the effects
and aeronautic structures. of bolt-hole clearance on the mechanical
The previous studies on the behaviour of behaviour of a bolted composite (graphite/
a single lap bolted joint were mostly dedicated epoxy) joint were investigated. Furthermore,
to tension load at the end of plate. An early study Ju et al. (2004) studied the nominal applied
Fatigue and Fracture Research Group, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,
University of Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. E-mail: ******@
* Corresponding author
Suranaree J. Sci. Technol. 14(4):331-345332 Simulation and Experimental work of Single Lap Bolted Joint Tested in Bending
force of the steel bolted connection. Relatively still limited bending load analysis for many
few studies have dealt with the behaviour of a alternative details. Research should be pursued
bolted joint in bending. For instance, until cost effective and attractive solutions
Krishnamurthy (1980) investigated the are available for all subjected force types.
behaviour of a steel bolted connection where Therefore, the objectives of this work are: (1) to
the connection transfers the bending moment develop a finite element model of a single lap
from the beam to a column or to the cross bolted joint in bending, and (2) to analyse the
section of another beam. stress distribution in the bolt and the plate
Kovács et al. (2004) carried out an experi- under bending loads.
mental study on the behaviour of bolted
composite joints. The composite base columns Materials and Methods
were investigated under cyclic loading. Su and
Siu (2004) analysed the nonlinear response of a A single bolted lap joint consists of a bolt, a nut,
bolt group under in-plane loading using the washers and two plates. M


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