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文档介绍:单位代码:10204 吉林工程技术师范学院工商管理学院毕业论文学生姓名: 李义指导教师: 王秀军专业: 财务管理班级: 1142 学号: 11号论文起止年月: 200 年月至 200 年月欧亚集团财务分析 The financial analysis of the Eurasia Group 李义指导教师: 王秀军职称: 讲师专业名称: 财务管理答辩时间: 2015 年6月1日—6月3日答辩委员会主席: 杨吉生毕业论文评阅人: 才华 2015 年6月摘要随着我国建立社会主义市场经济体制和现代企业制度的进度不断加快,如今的经济环境日益复杂、竞争日益激烈,与集团相关的债权人、投资者、经营者要做出正确的经营决策就不得依靠财务分析对集团过去以及现在的经营活动进行的分析。本文通过对欧亚集团近几年的财务报表进行分析,定位欧亚集团在当前市场环境下的地位,找出集团财务中存在的问题,发现企业在经营管理中存在的问题和不足,并提出解决问题的对策。从而为与集团相关的债权人、投资者、经营者要做出正确的经营决策提供参考意见,加强企业内部管理,降低成本,提高利润,使资源能够得到合理利用,提高企业综合实力。关键词:财务分析; 经营决策; 内部管理; 合理利用; 经营决策 Abstract With the accelerating the progress of the establishment of China's socialist market economy system and modern enterprise system, today's economic environment is plex, increasingly petition, associated with the group of creditors, investors and managers to make right decisions will not rely on financial analysis of the group in the past and now the business activities of the analysis. In this paper through the analysis of Eurasia Group in recent years of financial statements, position of the Eurasia Group, a position in the current market environment, find out problems existing in the financial group, find the problems existing in the management of enterprise and ings, and puts forward the countermeasures to solve the problem. So as to associated with the group of creditors, investors and managers to make right decisions and provide a reference, strengthen internal management, reduce costs, increase profits, so that resources can be used reasonably and improve prehensive strength of an enterprise. Keywords: financial analysis ; business decisions ; internal management ; rational utilization ; management decision 目录前言...................................................................................................... 1 第一章财务分析基本理论............................................................... 2 财务分析概念...................................................................... 2 财务分析意义.......................................................


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