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文档介绍:代词比较常见,下面是一些比较常用的代词误用辨析的例子,希望大家能掌握。:伦敦的夏天比我家乡的夏天更热。 (误)London
is much hotter in summer than my hometown. (正)It 代词比较常见,下面是一些比较常用的代词误用辨析的例子,希望大家能掌握。:伦敦的夏天比我家乡的夏天更热。 (误)London
is much hotter in summer than my hometown. (正)It is much hotter
in London in summer than in my hometown.(用it代表气候,天气等。) :他的书跟我的
很不一样。 (误)His book is quite different from me. (正)His book is qui
te different from mine.(mine=my book,应保持比较的双方性质的一致。) :我有件重要的事告
诉你。 (误)I have important something to tell you. (正)I have somethi
ng important to tell you.(修饰something,nothing,anything等不定代词时,形容词应放
在其后。) :每个学生都应该做他自己的功课。 (误)Every student should do their own h
omework. (正)Every student should do his own homework.(every stude
nt是单数,其后的代词也用单数。) :我喜欢收到别人的来信,但不愿意写信。 (误)I like to receive le
tters but do not like to write it. (正)I like to receive letters b
ut do not like to write them.(代词的人称与数应与它代替的名词相同。) :孩子们和他都还没有吃晚
餐。 (误)Neither the children nor he has ever eaten their supper. (
正)Neither the children nor he has ever eaten his supper.(neither..
.nor是对等相关连词,nor后面的主语决定后面的谓语动词及代词的形式。) :布朗太太向她的朋友玛丽和我打招呼。 (误)M
rs. Brown said hello to her friends, Mary and I. (正)Mrs. Brown sa
id hello to her friends, Mary and me.(Mary and me是宾语friends的同位语,因此
用宾格形式。):我的两个姊姊都不在这。 (误)None of my two sisters is here. (正)Ne
ither of my two sisters is here.(neither用于两者的否定;none用于三者以上的否定。) 9.
中文:他认识我的两个姊姊。 (误)He knows my both sisters. (正)He knows both my s
isters.(both用在the,his,my等修饰语之前。) :这本书的价格是多少? (误)How much is
the price of the book? (正)What is the price of the book?(对价格提问用wh
at,没有price一词时用how much。) :我有一本新字典还有几本旧的。 (误)I have a new dic
tionary and several old one. (正)I have a new dictionary and sever
al old ones.(代替前面提到过的可数名词,复数要用ones。) :安迪,保罗和我共唱一首歌。 (误)I, An
dy and Paul sang a song together. (正)Andy, Paul and I sang a song
together.(有多个主语或宾语时,I或me在最后。) :他们很了解我们中国人。 (误)They know our
Chinese well. (正)They know us Chinese well.(Chi


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