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文档介绍:My hometown
Lu'an city is located in the west of Anhui, north of Dabie, commonly known as" West anhui". Lu'an Jin Huai My hometown
Lu'an city is located in the west of Anhui, north of Dabie, commonly known as" West anhui". Lu'an Jin Huai mountain, connecting the East and West, superior location. There are many famous scenic area ,welcome our friends to visit my hometown.
East stalagmite Scenic Area
East stalagmite scenic area is located in Lu'an City Jin'an District town territory, is the national 3A level scenic spot scenic area. This place is very beautiful, and many people come here every year.
In the west of the Great Rift Valley
In the west of the Great Rift Valley, located in the city of Lu'an Jin An District in the town of Zhangdian The Great Rift Valley, shaped as the name suggests, carrying the nature beauty, only truly appreciate her and experienced hikers, truly understand her.
Meishan reservoir
Meishan reservoir is the reservoir after the completion of construction of the Lu'an region second multi-arch dam reservoir.
Lake scenic area
Lake scenic area, located in central Anhui Province in Shucheng county . It is a lake at the center of the lake type tourism scenic area, there are many visitors come here


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