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上传人:美梦成真Y 2022/5/19 文件大小:8.40 MB




文档介绍:Today my topic is about a very popular TV series :the walking dead
本剧根据同名漫画改编主角是一名叫做瑞克Rick的警察在僵尸病毒爆发之后他带领着一群幸存者在美国寻l activity and change exposed the dark side of human nature in a disaster no doubt. Sad die from starvation everywhere lost land in which humans dying bringing destruction and harm not only the zombie living room of fighting. Hero of the story over and over again into the wall at the same looking time giving viewers a provisional end of sad.
he is my hero he is very kind wisdom brave and handsome
I admire him .
Glenn is the only Asian. Smart humor cute is his features. Because of him the drama is a little popular in Asia.
Her name is Maggie. She was married with Glenn. The first time when I have seen her I hate. But later I changed my idea because of her braveShe become
a powerful arm for her friends.
Nothing can stop people desiring to survive
The most important successful of this movie is the people’s psychology and humanistic after this big disaster .The playwright and actor are good at this many people joined the shot .at humanistic the little boy grown up in a bad environment he become strong and brave .his Psychological incompatible with age he shot at his mother because he known his mother would become a walker .so he want to let his mother ‘s last memory are beautiful letting his mother enter the kingdom of heaven .
This is a good movie It’s worth watching. although it’s a little frightened but the humanistic worth our consideration


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