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上传人:小健 2022/5/20 文件大小:84 KB




文档介绍:Bicycle instructions (自行车使用说明说)
Motor form: brushless Holzer motor
Rated output power: 180W
Rated voltage: 24V
Ratedg, the end of charging: when found that the battery is soon filled with a very quick run out, indicating that the battery has been depleted, you must replace the battery.
in order to ensure safety, when charging, please put in children can not touch the safe place.
The third chapter is folding and unfolding method
Release the seat holder ring, insert the pipe downwards and lock the seat clip ring.
Release the riser clamp ring, transfer the T line to the proper height and lock the riser clamp ring.
turn the riser safety hook, and then release the standpipe, fold it, dismantle it, turn the upper end of the standpipe, fold the riser to the left side of the car.
Release the frame, fold and dismantle, rotate the frame, fold, dismantle and lift up.
Turn the front of the frame to fold the front and rear wheels to each other.
The pedal is pushed into the frame to push and turn the folding foot pedal to complete the folding.
Two, expand
to about 170 degrees rotation of the front section of the frame to frame folding quick dismantling upwards, continue to turn the front section of the frame to 180 degrees, then release the frame carrying folding quick release, quick dismounting shaft is inserted into the front folding device, rotating handle and press


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