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文档介绍:语法专题反意疑问句知识点归纳作业布置一、含义二、结构三、特殊用法四、回答知识点归纳知识点归纳知识点归纳知识点归纳中考真题训练小结知识点归纳一、含义:在一个陈述句之后附上一个简短的疑问句,对陈述句提出相反的疑问,这种疑问句叫反意疑问句。如: 1. SARS is scary, isn ’ t it ? 2. We speak Chinese, don ’ t we ? 结构一: 前肯, + 后否 eg. SARS is scary, isn ’t it? 结构二: 前否, + 后肯 eg. SARS isn ’t scary, is it? 二、结构:陈述句+疑问句 1. You are an actor, ________ _____ ? 2. He is a good boy, ________ ______ ? 3. I am Chinese, ______ ____? 4. It was fine yesterday, _______ ___ ? 5. You were studying when I called you last night, _______ _____ ? 6 . The boys can swim,___________? 7. Your father will be back in a week, __________? 1. He is a good boy, ________ ______ ? 2. I am Chinese, ______ ____? 3. It was fine yesterday, _______ ___ ? 4. You were studying when I called you last night, _______ _____ ? 5. The boys can swim, ____ _____? aren ’ t I 结构一: 前肯, + 后否(一)当陈述句的谓语是 be 动词,助动词,情态动词时,疑问部分也用这些动词,表示“不是吗”之意。 isn ’ t he weren ’ t you wasn ’ t it can ’ t they 1. It often rains here, ________ ___ ? 2. You have a headache, _______ ___ ? 3. I called you yesterday, _______ __? doesn ’ t it don ’ t you didn ’ t I (二)行为动词(当陈述句的谓语是行为动词时,用 don ’ t ,doesn ’ t , didn ’t来反问. ) 结构二: 前否, + ,问句部分用肯定。后面部分构成由“ be 动词,助动词或情态动词+前部分代词? ” 1. You aren ’t an actor, ______ ____ ? 2. It wasn ’t fine yesterday, ____ ____ ? didn ’ t call me yesterday, _______ _____? 4. You won ’ t go to ., ____ ____? was it did you are you will you 1) 陈述部分的主语是 I’m,疑问部分要用 aren't I. I‘ m as tall as your sister ,? 2) 陈述部分的谓语是 wish ,疑问部分要用 may + 主语。 I wish to have a word with you, ? 3)陈述部分用 no, nothing, nobody, never, little , few,seldom, hardly, 等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。 Some plants never blown ( 开花),? 三、特殊用法: aren't I may I do they Let ’ s see the key 3). Some plants never blown ( 开花), do they ? Let ’ s see the key 1). I'm as tall as your sister , aren't I? 2). I wish to have a word with you, may I? Let ’ s