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A Love Story
Meet at the Waterloo bridge
Tokens of love on the bridge
Respectively,from the bridge
his in It Happened One Night.
In a typical railroad montage, the shots include engines racing toward the camera,giant engine wheels moving across the screen, and long trains racing
past the camera as destination signs zoom into the screen....
one line
of the montage
From 1933 to 1942
montages differed from
the usual ones
the best-known montage specialist of the 1930s
Film critic Ezra Goodman discusses the contributions of Slavko Vorkapić,
who worked at MGM and was the best-known montage specialist of the 1930s:
“He devised vivid montages for numerous pictures, mainly to get a point across
economically or to bridge a time lapse. In a matter of moments, with images
cascading across the screen, he was able to show Jeanette MacDonald's rise
to fame as an opera star in Maytime (1937), the outbreak of the revolution in
Viva Villa (1934), the famine and exodus in The Good Earth (1937), and the
plague in Romeo and Juliet (1936).”
From 1933 to 1942, Donald Siegel, later a noted feature film director, was the
head of the montage department at Warner Brothers. He did montage sequences
for hundreds of features, including Confessions of a Nazi Spy; Knute Rockne,
All American; Blues in the Night; Yankee Doodle Dandy; Casablanca;
Action in the North Atlantic; Gentleman Jim; and They Drive By Night.
Siegel told Peter Bogdanovich how his montages differed from the usual ones.
“Montages were done then as they're done now, oddly enough—very sloppily.
The director casually shoots a few shots that he presumes will be used in the
montage and the cutter grabs a few stock shots and walks down with them to the
man who's operating the optical printer and tells him to make some sort of
mishmash out of it. He does, and that's what's labeled montage
In contrast, Siegel would read the motion pi


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