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上传人:lajie 2022/5/28 文件大小:12 KB




《功夫熊猫》英文观后感 篇1
  Today is Saturday and I watched an interesting movie at home, Kung Fu Panda. It is an Ame篇4
  The film was about a panda called A Bo into the story of a martial arts heroes from a kung fu master oogway: because ghost layman expected snow leopard Hashimoto will escape, snatch the dragon scroll, hurt people. Then with the raccoon master decided to choose the dragon warrior to inherit the dragon scroll, to defeat Tai lung. He was the master apprentice, know thousands of martial arts, always wanted to get the dragon scroll, but see his inner evil master, then refused. Later, taro becomes evil, all sorts of brutal killings and Pinggu lost peace, he attempted to snatch the dragon scroll, but oogway subdued. To the date of the election, is busy noodle Po, see this message, the selection of the Dragon Warrior at the mountain, but his father forced to let him carry noodles buffet up to sell noodles, it was fat, now no more than so much weight, it had to spend a longer time to the mountain.
  About a simple and honest panda dream to become the dragon warrior, when the accident was chosen as the dragon warrior, we have shown a very surprised, including the master, the Furious Five, think this is impossible, but oogway did not consider it impossible things in the world, which he believes only ordinary panda can play dragon Warrior duties. When everyone lo


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