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1. In that country, guests tend to feel they are not highly if the invitation to a d
  〔A〕 parallel to 〔B〕 level in 〔C〕 flat on 〔D〕 flush with
  People _______that vertical flight transports would carry millions of passengers as do the airliners of today.

  〔A〕 convinced 〔B〕 anticipated 〔C〕 resolved 〔D〕 assured
  13. In spite of the wide range of reading material specially written or _______ for language learning purposes, there is yet no comprehensive systematic programme for the reading skills.
  〔A〕 adapted 〔B〕 acknowledged 〔C〕 assembled 〔D〕 appointed
   mother said she would ________her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper.
  〔A〕 let down 〔B〕 let alone 〔C〕 let off 〔D〕 let out
   should always keep in mind that _______decisions often lead to bitter regrets .
  〔A〕 urgent 〔B〕 hasty 〔C〕 instant 〔D〕 prompt
   complained to the bookseller that there were several pages _______in the dictionary.
  〔A〕 missing 〔B〕 losing 〔C〕 dropping 〔D〕 leaking
  17. In the past, most foresters have been men, but today, the number of women _________this field is climbing.
  〔A〕 engaging 〔B〕 devoting 〔C〕 registering 〔D〕 pursuing

   supervisor didn't have time so far to gosintosit ________, but he gave us an idea about his plan.
  〔A〕 at hand 〔B〕 in turn 〔C〕 in conclusion 〔D〕 at length
  19. Their demand for a pay raise has not the slightest________of being met.
  〔A〕 prospect 〔B〕 prediction 〔C〕 prosperity 〔D〕 permission
  's usually the case that people seldom behave in a _______way when in a furious state.
  〔A〕 stable 〔B〕 rational 〔C〕 legal 〔D〕 credible


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