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文档介绍:孕妇饮食禁忌(Diet taboo for pregnant women)
Pregnant women can drink Coca-Cola you are excited about the role of pregnant wom, which can lead to fetal aberration. Do not eat fruit (litchi, hawthorn, kiwi, papaya and aloe) with hawthorn Huoxue Tongyu, and has the effects of uterine contraction, may lead to abortion, it is best not to eat nuts (almonds, longan, ginseng, pilose antler, deer, royal jelly tonic) almonds contain toxic substances to avoid toxic hydrocyanic acid. Through the placental barrier affect fetal fasting for the majority of pregnant women Yinxue partial deficiency, deficiency of the breeding of heat. It will cause the arrogant Yin consumption, increase the pregnancy reaction, edema and hypertension; longan help Xin Wen Yang, although the blood to tranquilize the nerves, nourishing spleen effect, but the temperature is too hot, pregnant women eat easy to move the blood moving tire: not only can't defend, but easy to leak red, abdominal pain and other symptoms of threatened abortion, should not be so edible. Do not eat tonic (bogey free heat, people should not eat ginseng garden, mutton and other hot food: Tixu cold should not take pearl powder, sesame, walnut, persimmon crab: excessive heat can cause diarrhea, anorexia) of the people should not eat ginseng, garden, mutton and other hot food, eat cause bleeding, excessive heat. Body empty fear cold, should not take p


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