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Windows 7 has been praised by users since the launch of Windows 7. The search feature of Windows 7 is on. Compared to, of course, this analogy is not enough, because of the book "death" directory, the index is dynamic update, we don't have to worry about because some file movement resulted from the index, to search for files.
Custom index directory, as long as the system of the start menu search box input "index options” (or choose a big icon is displayed after open the control panel, and click "index option"), open the "set index options" window, enter the "modify" can add, delete, and modify the index position.
In addition to the Settings in the control panel, we can also add it to the index when searching for a folder that is not in the index. When search folders, resource manager below the toolbar will display a dynamic index add folders to the location information, the article information click on the mouse, and in the open menu select "add to the index" option, can quickly add folders to the index position.
In general, after the construction of the index file almost don't need maintenance, but if could not find the file is known in the index or in other special circumstances, you may need to manually rebuild index. User manual to rebuild index, only need to open the "index options”, in the "advanced options” dialog box, click the z,index Settings" TAB,


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