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文档介绍:中江县回龙镇中心学校临津学校三年级英语教案(下) 教者: 曾思辉 1 Module 1 Unit 1 It’s the ABC songs. Teaching aim: Describing the alphabets Teaching importance and difficulty: alphabets Vocabulary: favourite, song. Letters: A--Z Teaching steps: 一、 Warming up: 1. Sing songs: Good morning! Please stand up! 二、 Revisions: Free talk 1. T: Hello, …,how are you? S1: ….2. T: Hi, good morning! What ’s your name? S2: …. How old are you? … 3. T: Hello, …,how are you? S3: …. Point to the window, please. … Point to the door, please. … 4. T: Hi, good morning! S4: …. What ’s this ?…. What colour is it?…. T: Oh, yes, it’s…. Do you like …?I like …, too. We can also say, My favourite colour is…. What ’ s your favourite colour? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么? 启发学生用 It’ s…. 来回答问题。教授新词 favourite. 再问: What ’s your favourite song? 你最喜欢的歌曲是什么?教授新词 song. 三、 New lessons: : My favourite song is the ABC song. OK, today we ’ ll learn the new lesson: Module 1 Unit 1 It’ s the ABC song. ( 板书课题) Now turn to page 2, listen to the tape carefully. Ok, Can you find the new words: favourite and song. Ask the kids to underline the new words. 2. T: OK! Look at the screen, read the letters after me. 先按字母表顺序教读,再按歌词的顺序教读。 Ask the kids to read the letters together, then ask some of them to read. 2. T: Now listen to the tape again, read and sing together. (twice) 四、 Games: : (1) 让学生快速读出容易混淆的字母。(2) 教师说出一个字母,让学生快速说出后一个字母。中江县回龙镇中心学校临津学校三年级英语教案(下) 教者: 曾思辉 2 :教师出示一组组字母,让学生大声朗读出来,看看是否正确。 :只给出字母的一小部分让学生猜。五、 Homework: 1. Listen to the tape 3 times and read or sing the song loudly. 2. Recite the letters. 3. Prepare Unit 2. Module 1 Unit 2 My favourite toy isa car. Teaching aim: Talking about favourite things. Teaching importance and difficulty: My favourite toy isa car. Vocabulary: toy, car, ship, doll Teaching steps: 一、 Warming up: 1. Sing ABC song. 二、 Revisions: 1. Recite the letters together. 2. Recite the letters one by one. ,学生快速读出字母。 ,学生快速说出后一个字母。 。屏幕上一个一个出示字母,每个字母用不同的颜色表示,每出现一个字母,问 What ’s this? What colour is