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文档介绍:Module 9 Friendship Unit 2 Think about it! ? How did you feel when you first came to here? ? How do you feel when you came to a new place? ? Are you afraid to make new friends? Look through the passage and answer: ? What was the important gift the writer received? ? It was a smile Read the passage carefully and choose ? 1. What was the writer ’ s problem? A. A girl gave her a smile. B. She was studying at a new school. C. She was lonely and afraid to make friends with anyone. D. No one knew her. She was lonely and afraid to make friends with anyone. 2. What was the writer doing when the girl entered the classroom? A. She was talking with her friends. B. She was sitting in silence. C. She was enjoying herself. D. She was smiling at the girl. She was sitting in silence. 3. What does the sentence “ We stick together like glue ” mean? ? A. We buy some glue and stick something together ? B. We want to live together ? C. We study together and almost do everything together ? D. We smile at each other everyday like glue. ?C 4. What advice does the writer give? ? A. The world is what you think it is. ? B. If you think you are lonely, you might always be alone. ? C. Smile at the world and it will smile back. ? D. Please learn to trust people. Smile at the world and it will smile back. Read the passage again and complete the sentences. ? At first (1)___________ knew me. I felt (2)________ and was afraid to ________________ with anyone. Then one day ? A girl looked at me and (4)__________________ ? I felt (5)______________________ lively and warm