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文档介绍:I’m more outgoing than my sister
Unit Six
英语 初二
I. 重点单词 Key words
tall long
quiet B. outgoing C. calm D. popular E. funny
F. serious G. intellectual H. wild I. heavy J. athletic
II. Write a proper word in the blank according to the meaning of each sentence.(根据句意,写出相应的单词。)(10%)

1. Maria isn’t short. She is____________.
2. My brother is quiet, but I’m_____________.
3. Zhang Hong likes eating all the time. He is ____________.
4. The boy talks to everyone. He is___________.
5. My son is very smart. He studies very well. He is ___________.
6. My friend makes us laugh. She is __________.
7. Mrs. Li teaches us math very well. She is a ________ teacher in our school.
8. We play basketball every day. We are _________.
9. I don’t like talking a lot. I’m ________ and quiet.
10. Tom doesn’t have short hair. He has __________ hair.
III. Read the following sentences and the given choices and then pick out the most appropriate one.(认真阅读下列句子,选出最佳答案。)(10%)
( ) (1) Pedro is short. He is ______ than before.
A. shorter B. tall C. taller D .short
( ) (2) Here are photos of ______ and ______ twin sister.
A. me, I B. me, my C. my, me D. I, me
( ) (3) We ______ black eyes and black hair.
A. have both B. has
C. both have D. both has
( ) (4) Pedro is ______ than Paul.
A. funnier B. more funnier C. fun D. funny
( ) (5) She likes singing, dancing and talking with others. But I often stays at home and reads
books. So I am ______than her.
A. funnier B. calmer
C. more outgoing D. wilder
( ) (6) My father never eats junk food, and he does exercise every day. So he is ______.
A. healthy B. unhealthy C. serious D. intellectual
( ) (7) Sam is ______ more outgoing than me.
A. most B. more C. a little D. little
( ) (8) Her son is ___


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