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文档介绍:一、 32% 烧碱来自一次盐水单元的一次精制盐水通过螯合树脂塔,进一步除去盐水中的 Ca 2+、Mg 2+等金属阳离子,获得钙镁总量在 20ppb 以下的精制盐水。精制盐水通过电解槽阳极汇总管流入各单元槽。由电解槽阳极出来的淡盐水和***气进入阳极液循环槽,淡盐水送至脱***塔后去一次盐水单元除去硫酸根、化盐,湿***气送往***气处理及压缩单元。电解槽阴极出来的烧碱和氢气进入阴极液循环槽,烧碱经成品中间罐送往成品罐区出售。湿氢气送往氢气处理及压缩单元。 The brine , from primary brine unit ,is fed into the c helating resin tower for a secondary purification .On passing through the tower , the Ca 2+,Mg 2+ and other metal ions in the brine will be removed further ,then the total concentration of Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ will be reduced to less than 20ppb .After that the more purified brine flows into the electrol yzer via the anolyte inlet mainfold .T he brine out of the electrolyzer , which is of lower concentration , will be piped into the vacuum dechlorination plant , afterwards the depleted brine will be sent back to the salt dissolving tank of the primary brine unit .Before dissolving salt , the concentration of SO 4 2- will be reduced toa certain level .And the generated wet chlorine gas will be sent to the chlorine treatment pression unit . Likewise ,The c austic soda and wet h ydrogen gas , out of the cathode outlet of the electrolyzer , flow into the c athode liquid circulating tank .The 32% caustic soda solution will be pumped to the tank area for sale after an intermediate tank , and the gas will be processed in the hydrogen treatment unit. 电解槽 electrol yzer 碱高位槽 C austic soda elevated tank 阳极液循环槽 L iquid circ


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