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上传人:读书百遍 2022/6/8 文件大小:16 KB





  Meng Jiangnu legend is one of the four lls, so his wife to cry to the city; and built within the walls of the dead body is too much, only the blood of bone can be identified. Qiang Liang wife's story after the Six Dynasties, Sui and Tang dynasties of the processing, the collapse of the city and Qin Shi Huang linked together, this is a small creation.
  Yuan Dynasty, China's folk opera drama is very developed, there have been a lot of Zaju everyone and well-known works, such as Meng Jiangnu such a rich vitality and creative space of the story, naturally become the source of opera creation. Fan Lang's name from Fan Xilang, Fan Shilang, Fan Shilang, Fan Xiliang to Fan Qi Liang, Fan Jiliang, Wan Xiliang, there are many variations, the story of the plot was lay out twists and turns, and their other characters, such as Fan Lang's mother also appeared In the opera, so that the story increasingly full.
  Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Meng Jiangnu's story continues to evolve in the folk. All around the oral talk, the Meng Jiangnu said to be a gourd born, due to gourd (or melon) implicated in the next door to the Mongolian ginger two, so called "Meng Jiangnv". Meng Jiangnu's story is not only a long time to spread, by its influence is also very wide area. Different places according to the local folk and the people of different interests of the orientation of the story made a variety of transformation, so that the legend of Meng Jiangnao showing a very strong regional
  According to legend in the Qin Dynasty, there is a surname Meng's people, planted a melon, melon seedlings along the wall climbed to the ginger knot melon. Melon cooked, a melon across the two homes scoring ah! Open a look, there is a white and fat little girl, then gave her a name called Meng Jiangnv. Meng Jiangyan grown up adults, radius of ten miles, eight miles of the folks, who knows that she is a gen


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