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导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《孟姜女英文简介》的内容,具体内容:孟姜女的传说是中国民间四大爱情故事之一,一直以口头传承的方式在民间广为流传。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!孟姜女简介Meng Jiangnu legend is o...
Meng Jiangnu legend is one of the four Chinese folk love story (the other three are "Cowherd and Weaver", "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" and "White Snake"), thousands of years has been the way of oral tradition in the wide For the spread. The earliest legend can be traced back to "Zuo Zhuan".
Meng Jiangnu legend, has been widely passed on the way in the folk widely circulated. Until the beginning of the 20th century, in the "May Fourth" spirit, she was included in the vision of the researchers. Chinas famous historian Gu Jiegang Meng Jiangnu legend of the original form has been traced back to the "Zuo Zhuan" on a story. "Zuo Zhuan" to tell the story is to praise Qi Liang wife (that is, later generations of Meng Jiangnv) in the sad occasion, still able to service, unconscious, admirable.
"Zuo Zhuan" did not cry on the Liang Liang wife, to the Warring States period when the contaminated atmosphere of the music industry, an increase of the sad story. This is a very important change, later on the story of the story of Qi Liang wife is along the "cry of the sad" born out.
The first account of the city of things, is the late Western Han Dynasty Liu Xiang. He first in the "martyrs" in the first "Zuozhuan" in the story of Qiang Liang wife, and then he continued to write: Qi Liang wife no heir, her husbands family also have no relatives, after the husband became a loner. Qi Liang wife "on the husband of the corpse in the city and cry," crying very sad, passers-by all moved. Ten days later, "the city for the collapse". The records of the Tang Dynasty, so that the story of Qi Liang wife changed the appearance. Qi Liang from the Spring and Autumn Qi people into the Qin Dynasty Yan; Qi Liang wifes name appeared, she surnamed Meng Ming Zhongzi, or surnamed


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