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How long do I have to have the plaster?
D: What seems to be the problem?
P: 专业英语情景剧剧本
How long do I have to have the plaster?
D: What seems to be the problem?
P: I was wounded in a car accident, my right arm was grazed and now, I have a pain in my shoulder.
D: When did the accident happen?
P: 30 minutes ago.
D: I see, and how did you come to the hospital?
P: A passerby sent me here just now.
D: And what’s your name?
P: Sara
D: How old are you?
P: 60 years old.
D: Where do you live?
P: I live in HaiChang Road, ChaShan Town.
D: Okay, can you move your arm?
P: A little bit.
D: Can you point out where you feel painful?
P: (指肩膀)It’s here.
D: What’s the degree of the pain?
P: It’s so painful that I nearly can’t stand it.
D:I got it, now we need an X-ray first. You’d better go to the X-ray Department. When the X-ray are ready, bring them back to me to examine.
(Ten minutes later, the patient brings back the X-ray plates) PPT
P: May I come in? (敲门)
D: Come in, please. I’ll just take a look at it.(看) The X-ray reveals a fracture of your shoulder.
P: Is it serious? How will you treat it, doctor?
D: You don’t need to be serious too much, I wil