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Unit 4 When is Easter?
B. Lefs talk
平山第五小学 叶佛梅
Teaching Aims:
To understand the meaning of Lefs talk and read 教学设计
Unit 4 When is Easter?
B. Lefs talk
平山第五小学 叶佛梅
Teaching Aims:
To understand the meaning of Lefs talk and read the dialogue correctly;
To master the sentences: When is your birthday? My birthday is on April 4th. What will you do for your mum? I will cook noodles for her.
Teaching key points:
(1) Can use "When is your birthday? My birthday is on...,, to know others5 birthdays.
Teaching difficulties:
(l)Enable to use "When is your birthday? My birthday is on...What will you do... I will ..correctly and make conversations.
Teaching Procedure :
Step I Warming-up and revision
Lefs sing.
Free talk.
Play games.
Step II Pre-task
Show a picture of the baby, and then ask students: When is the baby's birthday?
Ask students to finish Let's try on P41.
) When is the baby's birthday?
)Check the answer.
StepIII While-task
Task One : Listening
)Listen to lefs talk and choose the write answers.
) Check the answers.
)Teach the key sentences.
Task Two: Reading
a). Ask students to read the dialogue after the video.
) Read the dialogue after the teacher.
)Read the dialogue together.
) Read the dialogue in groups of four.
Task Three : Ask and Answer
a.) Ask students to answer the questions.
Task Four : Pair Work
) Ask students to use the key se