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文档介绍:Relative and absolute age (相对年代和绝对年代)
Relative and absolute age
2007-05-28 10:14:43 Author: admin source: fossil web wcollapse mound: fill in the pit in the relics buried in the tomb of the earlier than in the tomb and buried, or basically the same: and in the same initial fill trench layer using in the ditch, but filling probably in the trench layer and use the same as in late may.
Relics of different nature are not of the same value when they are used as a basis for determining the age of the formation (or tomb). Although the ancient coins in the casting is very clear, but because it can be used for a long time, so it is used to determine the formation (or tomb) must be careful analysis of age: pottery (or its fragments) are fragile and can not be used as the basis of value, dating is high: metal products were outside the age characteristics, the use of time although the ratio of pottery, but generally not too long, so as for the value of dating is quite high; stone and bone objects use period is not very long, it is suitable to be used as the basis of dating, the characteristics of the times of their own shortcomings is often not very obvious.
The gist of typology of dating, is a relic or relics according to the type of parallelism, the purpose and method for making the same relics (or sites) as one kind of standard, and determine their type (or standard), then according


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