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术. RESULTS: A total of 148 patients were recruited for the study. Altogether 145 patients were randomized and analysed on an intention-to-treat basis. On the day before surgery 73 patients received the placebo and 72 patients received lanreotide. At four postoperative days, there was a tendency towards a reduction of the lymphorrhea volume in the lanreotide group (median 292 ml, range 1-965 ml) as compared to the placebo group (median 337 ml, range 0-1230 ml), although it was not statistically significant (p = ). There was no significant difference for the secondary end points. In the group with axillary dissection performed alone (n = 24), the lymphorrhea volume was shown to be significantly reduced in the lanreotide group, (p = ) as compared to the placebo group. CONCLUSION: Our study did not identify any overall significant reduction of lymphorrhea on lanreotide.
Somatostatin in breast cancer
In man, somatostatin(生长抑素) is a hormone mostly produced by hypothalamus. It plays different parts in hormonal regulation through many specific receptors in human body. It has also two interesting actions such as an anti-secretory activity, mostly on the gastrointestinal system and an antiproliferative action on tumor cells. Many synthetic somatostatin analogues, more stable than the natural one, have been developed and are already used in digestive surgery to treat postoperative digestive fistula. Also, the development of specific polyclonal antibodies allowed the identification of five specific somatostatin receptors and their localization in different cell species. The presence of the five receptors in breast cancer cells has than been demonstrated. The purpose of this literature review is to clarify the potential antitumor effect of somatastatin analogues in breast cancer; its use as a preventive agent on lymphorrhea after breast surge


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