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2022年英文购销合同 中英文对照购销合同范本(10).docx

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2022年英文购销合同 中英文对照购销合同范本(10).docx

上传人:hh思密达 2022/6/10 文件大小:11 KB


2022年英文购销合同 中英文对照购销合同范本(10).docx



  Any confidential information acquired from the Demander or from this contract, or relev2022年英文购销合同_中英文对照购销合同范本(10)
  Any confidential information acquired from the Demander or from this contract, or relevant to Demander’s busineand technology, and any information involving commercial confidentiality provided by the Demander in the course of negotiation shall never be disclosed by the Supplier to any other person even after the termination of this contract, except for those information which is available in public or formally acquired from the third party. The Supplier shall return all documents and materials containing such information to the Demander, upon request by the Demander.
  Either party shall notify the other party in a timely manner of the fact that such information mentioned above has been disclosed to the government, supervisory institution or any third party as demanded by the government regulations or laws.
  The effectiveneof this term shall not be affected by modification, termination or expiration of this contract.
  九、违约责任: Liabilities for Breach of Contract:
  1、 供方未根据生效订单要求的时间交付产品,应担当逾期交货违约责任,即每逾期一天,供方应支付订单总金额的1%作为违约金。逾期十日仍未交付,需方有权解除该订单的约束力,供方应担当不能交货的违约责任,即支付订单总额一倍的违约金;
  Should the Supplier fail to deliver the prod