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上传人:读书之乐 2022/6/13 文件大小:11 KB






  India’s Beggars Eye Commonwealth Windfall   Beggars in the Indian capital are eying a windfall from tourists 奇闻趣事

  India’s Beggars Eye Commonwealth Windfall   Beggars in the Indian capital are eying a windfall from tourists during the next year’s Commonwealth Games and some are learning to ask for alms in foreign languages, according to a newspaper report recently.
  “More than one lakh foreigners will be in the city during the period,”Vijay Babli, reported by Hindustan Times as the leader of over 1,200 beggar families living in New Delhi, told the paper. “Even if one beggar earns 150-200 rupees per day, you can understand the turnover for us,”he added.
  The multi-sports event is scheduled to be held in October . An informal academy had been set up in the colony and children given coaching to beg in foreign languages, the paper said.
  “Bright children are taught how to say phrases like,‘I am an orphan, I have not eaten for days, I am ill, have no money for medicine, please help me in the name of God’,” Raju Sansi, a head tutor at the school, told Hindustan Times. And real foreign currency notes were shown to the children so they can recognise them.
  Lipstick-wearing Thai Monks to Get Etiquette Training
  Senior Thai monks are to teach Buddhist etiquette to novices to help curb“flamboyant” behaviour including wearing lipstick and overly tightening the


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