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文档介绍:集成电路课程论文报告院系物理与电子信息工程学院专业电子信息工程班级学生姓名学号任课教师 2013 年 12月 26日 Integrated Circuits xxxxxxxname Department of Electronics and Information Engineering HuBei University of Arts and Science , 441053 Abstract: CMOS ICs incorporate both NMOS and PMOS transistors , An application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) is an integrated circuit (IC) customized for a particular use, rather than intended for general-purpose use. K ey words: Circuits; Integrated; application-specific ; 1 Introduction Digital logic and electronic circuits derive their functionality from electronic switches called transistor. Roughly speaking, the transistor can be likened to an electronically controlled valve whereby energy applied to one connection of the valve enables energy to flow between two other multiple transistors, digital logic building blocks such as AND gates and flip-flops are formed. Transistors, in turn, are made from semiconductors. Consult a periodic table of elements ina college chemistry textbook, and you will locate semiconductors asa group of elements separating the metals and are called semiconductors because of their ability to behave as both metals and nonmetals. A semiconductor can be made to conduct electricity like a metal or to insulate asa nonmetal does. These differing electrical properties can be accurately controlled by mixing the semicondu