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上传人:今晚不太方便 2017/5/17 文件大小:5.43 MB




文档介绍:The Source of Life: Water No water, no creatures ! How do we know about “ Water ”? Our county is a water poor country. The waste of water resources and water environment pollution makes the drought in our country getting worse every day . To remind people the importance of water resource , the UN first set aside World Water Day in 1993. It occurs each year on March 22. It is formed by the shape of a drop of water, a hand and the earth. The green circle outside represents the earth, The symbol shows that water conservation is an important measure to protect the ecology of the earth. water-saving marks in our country. This is an urgent matter of human development. Together, we can provide safe, clean water to all the world's people. The world's water resources are our lifeline for survival, and for sustainable development in the 21st century. Now we needs to respond much better. the clean water , a pure land and a piece of blue sky 1、 use the rain water to water the flowers or flush the toilet Water saving tips