Announcement of Price Ajustment
Due to the price of raw material of Nickel is continu
Announcement of Price Ajustment
Due to the price of raw material of Nickel is continually rising, we have to raise the prices of the relevant fastener products from ,2022.(Tuesday),the increase rate was around 5%. The specific rate varies by the products, please see the detailed price list.
With immediate effect, all new orders with delivery date from August 18th (including the date of August 18th ) will be executed according to the new price; the confirmed contracts before August 18th (excluding the date of August 18th) will be executed according to the original prices stipulated on the contracts.
We are sorry to bring you all the inconvenience and in hope of that you would understand us as ever befor.
Our company reserves the right of authority for the interpretation of this price adjustment.
1."由于镍价上涨,上游原料行情紧张,为及时反映市场动态" 之句为了简洁起见缩略为一句话“由于原材料镍价持续上涨”。
调价函格式范文 调价通知 最近由于国内外原材料的上涨,导致本行业原材料成本的增加,,本公司决定调价以应对物价上涨给公司带来的