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文档介绍:dot a英雄装备攻略(dot a英雄装备攻略)
Please remember that there is no absolute fixed, must be out of equipment, depending on the acor: a sword, butterfly, cannon, golden cudgel.
venomancer: a hidden knife, butterfly, cannon, golden cudgel.
time: ant leg, butterfly, cannon, his heart of Tarrasque.
bath female: a black king, butterfly, artillery, assault.
shadow: flying shoes, hidden knife, butterfly, black king, dark or destroy the cannon.
: Xuemo leg, flamboyant, butterfly, the sword, the cannon.
[strength type]
Dragon Knight: domination, leg, exciting, Satan, black king, cuirass.
rogueknight: a mask of madness, battleax, black king, the dragon's heart.
bristleback: Vanguard, challenge turban, flamboyant, flying shoes, magic dragon heart,
Panda: Vanguard, battleax, a cuirass, a heart of Tarrasque.
Centaur: Vanguard, challenge turban, jump, flamboyant, heart of Tarrasque.
Knights of the Almighty: the secret ring, the flying shoe, the Maiken J M, the sheep sword, and the heart of the Dragon
Magnus: Battlefury, a knife, refresh the ball, a heart of Tarrasque.
Huskar: flamboyant, flying shoes, magic dragon heart X2, strike.
Alchemist: Temple rings, the flamboyant, flying shoes, dragon heart, cuirass.
skeleton King: Battlefury, a cuirass, a heart of Tarrasque.
Doom: hand of Midas, flamboyant, flying shoes, dragon heart, cuirass.
Slardar: Battlefury, a strong, dark, black king.
Barathrum: a mask of madness,
The sword, cuirass, heart of Tarrasque.
Ghoul: Ghoul armbands, a sword, a heart of Tarrasque.
Chaos Knight: Battlefury, a dominant, to the sword, Satan.
Earthshaker: Secret Law, flying shoes, jump ball, refresh, sheep knife.
Mountain Giant: close, flying shoes, jump knife, cuirass, heart of Tarrasque.
tidehunter: flying shoes, refresh the ball, dense, heart of Tarrasque, cuirass.
butcher: magic bottle, flying shoes, vanguard shield, challenge scarf, magic dragon heart
kg: Vampire sacrifice, a sword, a black king, the dragon's heart.
Beastmaster: Battle