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个人的简短的英文自我评价 自我评价.docx

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个人的简短的英文自我评价 自我评价.docx

上传人:haha 2022/6/23 文件大小:12 KB


个人的简短的英文自我评价 自我评价.docx


个人简英文自我评ation of theory and practice, have a considerable social practiceability, a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, able to face any difficulties and challenges.
  i am cheerful, sincere, on the work of self-motivated, have a strong ability to adapt and solidarity, and can be very good co-workers and work together. in 4 years of work, with prudent work style, serious and positive work attitude, and carefully complete their work. i work at ease, hard work, if fortunate to be hired i will make every effort to create benefits for your organization, to enjoy their own ability and value.
   all the courses in the specialized field, obtaining good command of theoretic knowledge and experimental and diy skill; very adaptable and good at leaning.
   played a couple important roles in the student organizations, honing the interpersonal communication skills and organizational capability.
  -going and congenial, with a strong sense of responsibility and good team-spirit.
   a wide range of hobbies, including oral english, music, movies and literature .
   in oral english , with fairly good of reading and writing ability; speaking authentic mandarin-chinese.
   command of computer skills: fam