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Sewing machines (缝纫机.缝纫机).doc

上传人:ttteee8 2022/6/24 文件大小:88 KB


Sewing machines (缝纫机.缝纫机).doc


文档介绍:Sewing machines ()
Objective: to master the production technology system: basic sewing process, the content of put the wear resistance, fastness than plain fabric.
[30~50 word commentary ~ a question 2 points]
Two. String seam
Methods: at a distance of 0. 5 cm by hand edge needle puncture needle from the fabric, each according to the making process, and determine whether the contraction joints.
Methods: each needle stitch should be equal.
[30-50 word commentary ~ two questions, 2 points.]
Three. Back seam
Methods: the selvages, every 1 cm after 0. 3 centimeters back.
Main points: the needle distance should be smooth
[30-50 word commentary ~ three questions, 2 points.]
Four. Winding
Methods: from top to bottom along the edge insert
Essentials: stitch to stitch, stitch distance from the edge, do not draw too tight, so as not to flash up
[30-50 word commentary ~ four questions, 2 points.]
Five experience.
Met hod: the firs t needle is hidden in the middle of the sandwich, and the needle is drawn from the bottom to the foil. Pin the tail line toward the lower left, and then pull the needle to the 45 degree angle, and lock it to the tail end in the same way. The seal is connected with the 2 needle and penetrates through the middle. Finally, the needle is drawn from the tail to the back and knotted.
Main points: when the first needle needs to be hidden, the angle should be grasped when it is drawn from the lower part, and the two pin will be worn at the sealing point.
[30~50 word commentary ~ five questions, 2 points.]
方法:由右向左,由内向外竖直缝,, 缝线隐藏在贴边的夹层中间。
要领:走里布的时候要稍微比外部靠进去一点,这样线迹比较好藏外 布戳出的那一针尽量贴边。
要领:线迹不宜过紧,每针间隔要平稳,把贴边和衣料环牢,面料正 面不漏线迹。
方法:首先把八字针位置画好,左手拇指在上,中指在下抠紧,右手 纳针时针脚纟桑牢面料一二根纱,横扎竖移呈八字形线迹。
2、 除平扣外缝线要松,纽扣脚的高度要大于止口厚度,用手指夹着 布顶着扣子
3、 把缝针穿过扣孔,再穿透布料,每个扣眼依次循环3次
4、 结束时将线缠绕扣底五六圈并