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"Good man" is not called out, it focuses on his actions and performance. In today's "sex" era, what detaind act like a spoiled brat. Talk to him more often, and be a good listener sometimes. He' 11 be moved. Don,t cry in front of him. It will only frustrate him. You will be happy if you are happy.
Impress 3: express sincerity and respect your thoughts.
Behavior performance:
He dresses well, what kind of suit, what kind of tie, what kind of tie to wear, he will be very concerned about:
Have soup before dinner:
Talk to bonsai and pets:
How are you doing?” On one's lips
Interactive interpretation:
He is a polite, cautious man who is very careful. He will use words and actions to express his love for you, he pursued Xiangjingrubin along the way: can together with you to do, he rarely act alone, a lot of time will be the first to listen to your suggestions, ideas, and together, let you feel deeply attached to each other.
Psychological law:
He is slow in feeling, you have to give him time to come to,
Too much initiative will make him want to eat. Make more than
two people together, the rest day, two people can clean up together home, together to buy food, cooking, watching TV together, movies What thoughts are willing to share with
him, so that it can hold his heart.
Tempted 4: never abandon the considerate man, for you to point to a heart light.
Behavior performance:
He likes flowers, grass and small animals:
He likes blue things. He often says, "I'm sorry."”;
Enter the room, he likes to turn on the light, he will send relatives and friends peace symbol:
He love a cup of tea, he eat slowly
Interactive interpretation:
He is a caring, melancholy man, gentle, considerate and understanding. Two people together, he is able to accommodate each other, his heart again bitter, pain will endure, just to make you happy. In front of him, you can shout and wrangle, do whatever they want, he will meet you one by one as long as you are happy.


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