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文档介绍:Unit 5 Financial Instruments Short Dialogs Multiple Choice Scripts & Answers Dialog 1 M: I don ’t know why the presentation of my check for payment is refused by the paying bank. W: Let me have a look. Oh, I see. Your check is written in lead pencil. It is not accepted by any bank. You should write it in ink. M: I see. Thank you very much. W: And your check has no signature by the writer. It is invalid, I think. It isa false check. Are you the named payee? Where did you get the check? You are kidding, aren ’t you ? M: Don ’t get mad, I’m kidding. I only want to know how much you ’ ve learnt about a check. Question: What do you know about the check mentioned in the conversation? (C) 译文男: 我不知为什么付款行拒绝了我的支票提示付款。女: 我看看。哦,我知道了。您的支票是铅笔填写的。没有哪家银行会接受这种支票。您应该用钢笔填写支票。男: 我知道了。非常感谢。女: 还有,您的支票没有签发人的签名。这种支票是无效的。这是一张假支票。您是支票的收款人吗?你从哪里得到的这张支票?你在开玩笑,对吧? 男: 别生气,我是开玩笑的。我只是想了解有关支票你知道多少。 Dialog 2 W: Did you hear about what happened to Mr. Williams last week? M: Yes, I’ ve heard it. Poor Williams. It isa great loss to him, anyway. W: Absolutely. 5,000 dollars is not a small amount of money. He should not have issued an open check payable to bearer. Anyone who got it would have the right to present it for payment to the paying bank. It is not the paying bank ’s duty to verify the payee ’s legal identity. M: He himself may be to blame for the loss. Question: What happened to Mr. Williams? (A) 译文女: 您听说了